Upcoming Scheduling Requests

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Sunday Gatherings


Sunday, March 30, 2025


Childcare provided for children under three


Dr. Brian Thomas, Institute for Creation Research

Biblical Creation Conference 2025

Living in the Light of Genesis

 11:00 am Fellowship Time in Building B

11:30 am | Closing Session of Biblical Creation Conference

Dr. Brian Thomas (in the main auditorium)

Adam or Apes

Sunday School Classes in Building A

Sunday, March 10, 2024 ARTICLE

Is It of the Spirit? (by Pastor R.J.)

Adult Sunday School


Sundays, 11:30am - 12:30pm



Alexander Spear & Taylor Thorne

From AnswersInGenesis.org,

The Bible is Our Foundation, a four-year

journey through the entire Bible.

This first unit is a rich, ten-week exploration

of systematic theology to set us on our course.



A Study in the Biblical Doctrine of Heaven

Teacher: Howard Dial

A series on the biblical doctrine of heaven based largely upon the book Heaven

by Randy Acorn, as well as other resources

 “Resolved, to endeavor to obtain for myself as much happiness,

in the other world, as I possibly can.” Jonathan Edwards.



World Missions



Grace Promise Pledges

Grace Promise is the method we use to determine our missionary budget for the upcoming year. 

Now is the time to begin planning for Grace Promise 2025! 

If you have questions regarding Grace Promise, please

contact the Church Office.

What is Grace Promise?

Mission Policy Statement



Leadership News & Updates

Elders: David Barber, Roger Gangi, R.J. Krystowiak, Ron Newton (Chair), Taylor Thorne

Deacons: Justin Rountree, Nelson Wallace

In-Home Gatherings

Small Groups

Fayetteville Area: Wednesdays, 6:30 pm

Leaders: Taylor Thorne, Rob Wallace

(T-470-541-9446, R-404-886-6671)

Hampton AreaFirst & Third Wednesdays, 6:30 pm

Contact: David or Nancy Barber

(D-770-402-6042, N-770-402-6043)


TheWell Youth

Youth Sunday School

Room A-116 (Youth Room)

Teachers: Rob & Stacy Wallace / Ron Newton


Berachah Kids


Sunday School (K-3) & (4-6)Schedule:  January through June, 2025


The LORD is a Glorious Spirit/The LORD is the Only True God/The LORD is One God, but Three Persons/

The LORD is Everywhere, All the Time/The LORD Knows Everything There is to Know/The LORD is Holy/

The LORD is Omnipotent/The LORD is Faithful



Ladies' Ministry

Ladies' Bible Study

will resume Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Study: The Book of Romans, ch. 9-16

9:30 am -11:30 am (Child care will be available.)

If you have any questions regarding the Ladies' Bible Study,

please contact Kari Pizzini. 






Prayer Calendar

Printed Prayer Calendar 

Available in the Connect Center


Financial Report

Updated: as of February 28, 2025



Annual Budget $386,059
Monthly Budget $32,172
Beginning Balance  $261,094
Offerings/Income $42,625 
Expenses ($ 69,104)

Ending Balance

(any difference due to rounding)

$ 234,615


Annual Budget $130,320
Monthly Budget  $10,860

Beginning Balance 

Offerings/Income   $14,753
Missionary Support ($10,860)
Other Expenses  $766

Ending Balance

(any difference due to rounding)


The ministries of Berachah Bible Church are supported by the faithful giving of believers. Each year, the Elders in coordination with ministry leaders, plan and approve budgets for both General Operations and Grace Promise Missionary Support. The General Operations Budget takes into account both past giving and projected ministry growth. Because giving and spending patterns of our church may vary from month to month through the year, our church income and expenses may not always balance. The Grace Promise Missionary Support Budget is established each year by the anonymous GRACE PROMISE pledges from you to support our missions effort. Our World Missions Team then allocates these projected funds to support our missionaries and special missions projects. We give careful attention to ensuring that we operate our ministries within the resources the Lord provides through His people. As a faithful body of believers, we encourage believers to give cheerfully, faithfully, and regularly as the Lord provides to each according to his or her needs. We give knowing our offerings and gifts are used to support the Lords work both locally and abroad. We are thankful for Gods provision through the faithful, biblical giving of our members and supporters. Due to fluctuations in expenses, please be aware that it remains our goal to maintain sufficient reserve funds in both our church operating and Grace Promise accounts to meet temporary shortfalls should they occur. Your support and stewardship of our ministry resources is very much appreciated. If you have any questions about the finances of our church, please do not hesitate to contact one of our Elders or Deacons.